
Assuming that life doesn’t get inexplicably better before I’m old, I plan to retire my body (when the tech has arrived) and my consciousness into the silicon (or other future material) world.
I’m not terribly concerned about the cosmic, “SOMA” questions about whether you could actually move or merely copy a consciousness into a digital medium. Humans don’t know what a consciousness really is or what happens after death and I sincerely doubt that will change in sixty years. I’ll take my chances with the cybergods (and I’ll be one of them soon enough).
So while you meatbags are rotting in the ground, I’ll be in cyberspace; surfing the net, playing Minecraft, and reading all the books that I can cram into my flash chips.
Assuming I don’t get murdered, imprisoned, or wheeled into the county morgue by any other untimely means that is.
2022-03-10 - original article written
2023-04-11 - edited for clarity
About Me
“I don’t really read or write too good, it’s a hassle.” – Seth Powers
My (abbreviated) name is HBM. I’m a Computer Technician by trade (but not a webdev as you may have guessed) and in my freetime I enjoy reading, writing, editing, creating, tinkering, and a few other -ings I’m sure.
About NewSaint

NewSaint is a collection of essays, lists, thoughts, and other writings created in May of 2023: part personal portfolio, part information repository. Plus it looks nice on a business card.
The name NewSaint was chosen for a few reasons:
- Because it sounds cool
- Because I’m a Cosmotheist and my purpose is to help bring about a higher kind of man; A New People, with New Saints
- Because it was available and affordable

I thoroughly enjoy reading, especially audiobooks and whatever EPUBs I can find (or make) to stuff in my eReader. My interest books has inspired me to digitize and archive various weird, rare, or obscure books for my ever-growing digital (and partly physical) library. I use the LibreOffice suite and Sigil to create EPUBs for my library and for whoever wants them. You can read more about the many different software solutions I use on the Useful Links page.
If you’re curious about what kinds of books I spend my time reading, editing, or otherwise preserving. Check out my Recommended Reading page (article coming soon).
Beyond reading, books, and other literary adventures, I like movies, music, cooking, learning (even more) about computers, and spending time with my friends and co-workers.
One More Thing…
It’s customary, when posting things on the Internet to beg for money. I won’t beg, but if you feel inclined, I suppose you could buy me a coffee.
Thank you for reading.