I use a gamepad when I play PC games, at least in the majority of 1st Person games. Between annoying keyboard layouts, a decade of console gaming before I ever built a PC, and sheer laziness, I find it to be the easiest and most comfortable way to play most games.
My first few years of playing games were spent primarily on the PS2 and PS3. They were okay consoles with a good library of games, but a ton of technical problems that I won’t get into here. However, one thing I absolutely hated about both consoles were the controllers.

The DualShock 3 was uncomfortable, cheap feeling, and basically unusable on a PC. The layout of the controller was awful, it was too small, and the shape wasn’t ergonomic, but the DS3 had one redeeming feature that I’ll mention below.
Later, I would buy a used Xbox 360 from a pawn shop. The controller was quite different from a DS3, but light years better. It felt alright in the hand, buttons made more sense, had a good feeling of weight and solidity to it, an all around 6/10. AA batteries, a weird proprietary data cable, and shit windows support kept it from going into regular use in my setup.

When November 2013 rolled around, I ended up buying a PS4 a few weeks before Christmas, which entered a new contender in the ring: Sony’s DualShock 4. This controller was much, much better than the DS3. It was solid, felt great, had a fun light bar, a rechargeable internal battery, and wasn’t using a proprietary connector. BUT, four major flaws put this controller in the garbage where it rightfully belongs;
- A stupid button / stick layout
- That retarded touch bar that ate up 20% of the controller face
- Almost nonexistent Windows support
- God-damned Micro-USB
Last-generation’s DS3 controller had a sharp advantage over the DS4 however: Mini-USB. This connector is older, but far better than Micro-USB for one reason, it (almost) never wore out. Mini-USB cables are just as useful in 2006 as they are in 2022, they just keep going.
I can’t even begin to express my utter and unquenchable hatred of Micro-USB. It’s insane how much disdain and loathing I have for such a small, shitty USB interface. Micro-USB male connectors use a small, mechanical clip mechanism to hold the connector in place. This serves to secure the cable when inserted into a controller, cellphone, etc. This is good in theory (think DisplayPort, which I also hate), but in practice this “feature” introduces an artificial lifespan to any given cable. These clips wore out so fast your head would spin, especially with repeated connect / disconnect cycles (i.e. with a phone or some sort of peripheral device).
DS4 controllers also suffered from a few design flaws beyond the ones mentioned above. For instance, the left thumbstick and accompanying button (L3) would wear out fairly quickly with the stick easily losing the ability to track forward movement, especially within the Call of Duty game franchise. I’ve had L-Stick problems on every DS4 controller that I’ve played CoD on and I’m not heavy handed or hard on my controllers.

Alongside the PS4, came the Xbox One as well. With it came a new controller and Microsoft actually did some good work this time. The controller was solid, comfy, had a halfway-decent button layout, a standardized connector, and good Windows support. Only a few problems still remained;
- AA batteries (again)
- Offset thumbsticks (again)
- Micro-USB (again)
I settled on an Xbox One controller and went about my life for a number of years. MS eventually replaced the original, chunky controller with a sleeker and all-around better model a few years later with the release of the Xbox One S. Later still, the Xbox Core controllers entered the market, this time packing the much more acceptable USB Type-C connector. Finally, some good features. I grabbed a Blue core controller for $65 (yikes) and a rechargeable battery pack and lived happily ever after.
Until about a year into the controller’s lifespan when my thumbsticks started drifting. Both DS and Xbox controllers suffer from pervasive thumbstick problems. They’re easily the largest weak point on a game controller. They’re incredibly prone to wear, misalignment, dead-zones, sticking, ghosting, drifting, and a million other verbs that I can’t remember. The design of thumbsticks for both brands are largely the same; a left / right potentiometer and a button, simple. Problem is, they’re finicky and fragile.
This wouldn’t be an issue if the thumbsticks were user replaceable though: pop open the controller, fish out both sticks, put in some new ones, and you’re off to the races or battle or whatever (kinda like how some Cherry MX switches are swappable). This isn’t the case however. There are fourteen (!) solder points for each of these thumbsticks and for someone like myself who isn’t the best solderer, this proves troublesome to remedy myself. Furthermore, replacement potentiometers need to be live-aligned, which is a tedious and frustrating task in itself. That mechanism I mentioned was also designed so poorly as to never really read as centered. Apparently, the controllers just sort of tare the factory alignment so you never notice a difference. That is, until the original thumbsticks wear and you go to replace them yourself.
With all of that out of the way, here is the core position I hold in this discussion. Controllers need to be fixed, and luckily there are really only a few fixes that need to be made.
Firstly, the layout. Gamepads have sort-of landed on a set layout (except for Sony), this layout consists of two thumbsticks (+ L3 / R3), four face buttons (A, B, X, Y), L / R bumpers and triggers, a D-Pad, Start, Select, and a Home button. I excluded Sony because they seem to be straying from this standard with the DS4 and DS5 controllers’ notable lack of Start, Select, (trading them for Options and Share for some dumb reason) and the inclusion of that useless touchpad.
This layout is typically accomplished with the face buttons, D-Pad, and thumbsticks sharing real estate on the front of a controller, with the bumpers and triggers on the back or top (depending on your perspective). PlayStation accomplishes this with both thumbsticks on the lower plane, while the D-Pad and face buttons share the upper plane. Sony almost has it right with this layout, but not quite. Microsoft has the left thumbstick and face buttons on the top plane, with the D-Pad and right thumbstick on the lower. Again, this is close, but not optimal. There is actually only one controller that I know of with their thumbsticks and buttons in a sane and ergonomic position: The Nintendo Wii U Pro controller.

This unlikely candidate does the incredible, it actually has the D-Pad, face buttons, and thumbsticks in the correct orientation. At rest, the human thumb is in line with the bones of the forearm. This means, at rest, the thumb wants to sit over the top plane of a gamepad. Sony controllers have both thumbsticks on the lower plain, meaning you have to strain your thumbs down to interface with those sticks. While Microsoft has it half-right with just the left thumbstick in this position, the right thumb still needs to be bent to utilize the right thumbstick.

Update 1: Since writing the above section, Gulikit, a 3rd Party, Chinese controller manufacturer has become popular among those of us who share the above gripes about carbon potentiometers in game controllers. Their new design retains much of the old thumbstick design, but with electromagnetic potentiometers that should last significantly longer and retain their calibration to a much tighter tolerance. I just purchased one of their Zen Pro controllers ($50 on eBay) and one of their wireless controller adapters. I’ll probably also 3D print some trigger stops for it as I have become accustomed to using them on my Xbox Elite Series 2 controller that I bought broken – which I then repaired – a few months ago. That controller is starting to have other problems and I think a replacement is in order.

To further illustrate how possible it would be to create such a perfect controller, I created a mockup Xbox controller in Photoshop that displays this ergonomic layout as I have envisioned. Put both thumbsticks are on the same upper plane, replace the plastic thumbstick caps with aluminum ones (as I do on my controllers), pair this layout with Gulikit’s electromagnetic potentiometers, and some adjustable trigger-stops like the Elite Series 2 and you have a perfect controller that should last a very long time. If only such a controller existed…

Update 2: I have received the controller and swapped the plastic thumbstick caps for silver aluminum ones. I think it looks pretty slick and it feels butter-smooth. The build quality is about 75% of the way there compared to a standard Xbox Core controller, but it still feels fairly solid and seems to be easy enough to repair. The unit is only held together by four phillips screws and some clips. I’ll play some Vermintide 2 tonight and see how it performs. In the meantime, here are some pics of my controller.
Update 3: After about seven months of use, the left thumbstick has started giving me trouble when sprinting in CoD (pressing forward on the thumbstick and clicking the L3 button at the same time). This failure is very common among OEM Xbox One Series X/S controllers, as well as original Xbone and DualShock controllers. I’ll see about trying to repair it myself and if not, perhaps I’ll invest in the next generation of Gulikit controller.
2022-06-08 - original article written 2023-06-08 - revised and updated 2024-01-04 - updated